Thursday, March 17, 2011

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Assembly Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, Quezon City
February 26, 2011


 Assembly Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, Quezon City
 November 5-7, 2010

 Assembly Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, Quezon City

Assembly Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, Quezon City
April 18, 2010 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Is God Responsible?

“GOD is love,” states the Bible. (1 John 4:8) He is also just and merciful. “The Rock, perfect is his activity, for all his ways are justice. A God of faithfulness, with whom there is no injustice; righteous and upright is he.”—Deuteronomy 32:4.
As Creator, Jehovah God has the ability to foresee all potential causes of harm, and he has the power to intercede. In view of these facts and the qualities attributed to God in the Bible, many rightly ask, “Why does God allow natural disasters to occur?”* As millions of sincere inquirers have found, God himself has provided a most reasonable answer in his written Word. (2 Timothy 3:16) Please consider the following.

They Rejected God’s Love

The Bible tells us that God gave our original parents all they needed to enjoy a happy and safe life. Furthermore, as they and their offspring obeyed God’s command to “be fruitful and become many and fill the earth,” the growing human family could count on God’s ongoing care.—Genesis 1:28.
Sadly, though, Adam and Eve deliberately turned their backs on their Creator by willfully disobeying him and choosing a course of independence from him. (Genesis 1:28; 3:1-6) By far the majority of their descendants have followed in their footsteps. (Genesis 6:5, 6, 11, 12) In short, humankind as a whole have chosen to be masters of themselves and of their home, the earth, without any guidance from God. Being a God of love who respects the principle of free will, Jehovah does not force his sovereignty on humans, even though their course may lead to harm.#
Nevertheless, Jehovah did not abandon the human family. To this day “he makes his sun rise upon wicked people and good and makes it rain upon righteous people and unrighteous.” (Matthew 5:45) Additionally, God gave mankind the ability to learn about the earth and its cycles, and to varying degrees this knowledge has enabled humans to predict extreme weather and other potential dangers, such as volcanic eruptions.
Humans have also discovered which parts of the earth are more prone to seismic or atmospheric extremes. In some lands this knowledge has helped to save lives through education as well as the development of better construction methods and warning systems. Still, the number of natural disasters reported annually has been rising steadily. The reasons for this are many and complex.

Living in High-Risk Areas

The severity of a disaster does not always relate to the power of the natural forces involved. The concentration of humans in the affected area is often of greater consequence. According to a report published by the World Bank, in more than 160 countries, over a quarter of the population live in areas of high mortality risk from natural disasters. “As you put more and more people in [harm’s] way, you make a disaster out of something that before was just a natural event,” says scientist Klaus Jacob of Columbia University in the United States.
Other exacerbating factors are rapid, unplanned urbanization, deforestation, and the extensive use of concrete to cover ground that would normally absorb runoff. Particularly the latter two can cause destructive mud slides and excessive flooding.
The human factor can also turn an earthquake into a major disaster, for it is not the shock wave of energy that causes most deaths and injuries but collapsing buildings. For good reason seismologists have the saying: “Earthquakes don’t kill people. Buildings kill people.”
Political incompetence can add to the death toll. In one South American land, earthquakes have demolished the capital city three times in the past 400 years. And since the last quake, which took place in 1967, the population has doubled to five million. “But building codes that could protect the population are either lacking or not enforced,” says New Scientist magazine.
That last statement well applies to the city of New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A., which was built in a low-lying, flood-prone area. Despite the existence of levees and pumps, the disaster that many had feared finally occurred in 2005 when Hurricane Katrina struck. “Longstanding warnings” were either ignored or “met with a halfhearted response,” said a report in USA Today.
A similar halfhearted response has been manifested toward global warming, which many scientists believe may intensify weather-related disasters and raise sea levels. Clearly, political, social, and economic factors—things that are not of God’s making—must be taken into account. These human factors call to mind the Biblical truth that man is unable “even to direct his step.” (Jeremiah 10:23) Another human element is the attitude of people toward warnings—natural and official.

Learn to Recognize Warning Signs

At the outset it must be acknowledged that natural disasters can strike without warning. “Time and unforeseen occurrence befall [us] all,” says Ecclesiastes 9:11. Often, though, there is some indication—natural or official—that trouble is looming. Hence, when people know the signs, they can improve their prospects of survival.
When a tsunami struck the Indonesian island of Simeulue in 2004, seven people out of a population of many thousands died. Knowing that abnormally receding tides can precede tsunamis, most people fled when the sea retreated. Likewise, people have escaped violent storms and volcanic eruptions by heeding warnings. Because nature’s warnings sometimes precede official warnings, it is wise to be familiar with both, especially if you live in a disaster-prone area.
Sadly, however, there is a “tendency for people to deny danger even when it is obvious,” said a volcanologist. This is particularly true where false alarms are common or where a previous disaster occurred a long time ago. And sometimes people just do not want to abandon their possessions, even when disaster is staring them in the face.
In many regions people are simply too poor to move to a safer area. But instead of reflecting badly on our Creator, the realities of poverty point to human failings. Governments, for example, often pour vast sums of money into armaments but do little to help the needy.
Nevertheless, a measure of help is available to most people, no matter what their situation may be. How is that so? In that God, by means of his written Word, the Holy Bible, has given us many fine principles, which when applied can save lives.

Principles That Save Lives

Do not put God to the test. “You must not put Jehovah your God to the test,” says Deuteronomy 6:16. True Christians do not have a superstitious outlook on life, thinking that God will always protect them from physical harm. Hence, when danger threatens, they heed the inspired advice: “Shrewd is the one that has seen the calamity and proceeds to conceal himself, but the inexperienced have passed along and must suffer the penalty.”—Proverbs 22:3.
Value life more than material possessions. “Even when a person has an abundance his life does not result from the things he possesses.” (Luke 12:15) Yes, material things have their place, but they are of no value to the dead. Therefore, those who love life and who cherish the privilege of serving God do not take needless risks in order to protect property.—Psalm 115:17.
In 2004, Tadashi, who lives in Japan, evacuated his home immediately after an earthquake hit and before official direction was given. His life meant more to him than his home and belongings. Akira, who lives in the same area, wrote that “the real degree of damage depends, not on the material loss, but on one’s viewpoint. I viewed this disaster as a good opportunity to simplify my life.”
Listen to governmental warnings. “Be in subjection to the superior authorities.” (Romans 13:1) When an official order is given to evacuate or to follow some other safety procedure, it is wise to take heed. Tadashi stayed away from the danger zone in obedience to an evacuation order and thus avoided injury or death from aftershocks.
When there are no official warnings of a threatening disaster, people have to decide personally when and how to respond, taking into account all the available facts. In some areas local governments may provide helpful guidelines on disaster survival. If such information is available in your area, are you familiar with it? And have you discussed it with your family? (See the accompanying box.) In many parts of the world, under the direction of the local branch office of Jehovah’s Witnesses, congregations of Witnesses have in place emergency procedures to follow should a disaster threaten or occur, and these procedures have proved to be extremely helpful.


A family following an evacuation plan The New York City Office of Emergency Management recommends that households plan for evacuation by assembling a “go bag”—a durable, accessible, easy-to-transport bag containing important emergency items. The following may be included:%
  • Copies of important documents in a waterproof container
  • An extra set of car and house keys
  • Credit or debit cards and cash
  • Bottled water and nonperishable food
  • Flashlight(s), AM/FM radio, cell phone (if you have one), extra batteries
  • Medication for at least one week, a list of dosages, prescription slips, and doctors’ names and phone numbers. (Be sure to replace medications before their expiration date)
  • First-aid kit
  • Sturdy, comfortable shoes and rainwear
  • Contact and meeting place information for your household, as well as a regional map
  • Child-care supplies

%  Although based on the official list, the above includes minor changes. Not every item listed may be suitable in your case or in your part of the world, and some items may have to be added. For example, seniors and the disabled have their own special needs.
Show Christian love. “I am giving you a new commandment,” said Jesus, “that you love one another . . . as I have loved you.” (John 13:34) People who show self-sacrificing, Christlike love do all that is humanly possible to help one another prepare for or survive a natural disaster. Among Jehovah’s Witnesses, congregation elders work tirelessly to make contact with all members of the congregation to ensure that they are safe or can get to a safe place. Also, the elders check to be sure that each one has life’s necessities, such as clean drinking water, food, clothing, and essential medication. Meanwhile, Witness families in safe areas open their homes to fellow Witnesses among the evacuees. Such love truly is “a perfect bond of union.”—Colossians 3:14.
Will natural disasters get worse, as some predict? Perhaps, but only for a time. Why? Because mankind’s tragic era of independence from God is about to end. Thereafter, the entire earth and all its inhabitants will be fully under the loving sovereignty of Jehovah, with wonderful results, as we shall now see.


Mankind's Problems Soon to End!

"HUMANITARIAN action is of limited value if it does not form part of a wider strategic and political framework aimed at addressing the root causes of conflict. Experience has shown time and time again that humanitarian action alone cannot solve problems which are fundamentally political in nature."—The State of the World's Refugees 2000.
Despite great humanitarian action, mankind's problems grow inexorably. What chance is there of a lasting political solution? In truth, very little. But where else can we look? In a meaningful passage at the beginning of his letter to Christians in Ephesus, the apostle Paul explains how God will put an end to all of mankind's problems. He even indicates what agency God will use to do this—an agency that will address the root causes of all the problems that plague us today. Why not consider what Paul has to say? The passage is found at Ephesians 1:3-10.
Humanitarian acts have
not solved mankind's problems

"HUMANITARIAN action is of limited value if it does not form part of a wider strategic and political framework aimed at addressing the root causes of conflict. Experience has shown time and time again that humanitarian action alone cannot solve problems which are fundamentally political in nature."—The State of the World's Refugees 2000.
Despite great humanitarian action, mankind's problems grow inexorably. What chance is there of a lasting political solution? In truth, very little. But where else can we look? In a meaningful passage at the beginning of his letter to Christians in Ephesus, the apostle Paul explains how God will put an end to all of mankind's problems. He even indicates what agency God will use to do this—an agency that will address the root causes of all the problems that plague us today. Why not consider what Paul has to say? The passage is found at Ephesians 1:3-10.
Man giving food to childrenWoman sitting next to bags of grain
Humanitarian acts have
not solved mankind's problems

"To Gather All Things Together Again in the Christ"

God's purpose, says the apostle, is for what he calls "an administration [or management of affairs] at the full limit of the appointed times." What does this mean? It means that God has a set time when he will act in such a way as "to gather all things together again in the Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth." (Ephesians 1:10) Yes, God has set in motion an arrangement to bring everything in heaven and on earth back into harmony under his direct control. Interestingly, regarding the term here rendered 'to gather together again,' Bible scholar J. H. Thayer notes: "Bring together again for himself . . . all things and beings (hitherto disunited by sin) into one combined state of fellowship in Christ."
That points to the need for God to do this in view of how disunity arose in the first place. Early in man's history, our original parents, Adam and Eve, followed Satan the Devil in rebellion against God. They wanted independence in the form of the right to decide for themselves what was good and what was bad. (Genesis 3:1-5) In line with divine justice, they were expelled from God's family and lost their fellowship with him. They plunged mankind into imperfection with all the terrible consequences we experience today.—Romans 5:12.

Temporary Permission of Evil

'Why did God let them do that?' some might ask. 'Why did he not simply use his supreme power and enforce his will, thus preventing all the pain and suffering we now experience?' It may be tempting to think that way. But what would such a use of overwhelming power really prove? Do you admire or approve of anyone who at the first sign of dissent simply crushes all opposition because he has the power to do so? Surely not.
Those rebels did not really challenge God's almighty power. They more particularly challenged the rightfulness and rightness of his way of ruling. To settle once and for all time the fundamental issues raised, Jehovah has allowed his creatures to run their own affairs without his direct control for a limited time. (Ecclesiastes 3:1; Luke 21:24) When that time is up, he will intervene to re-exercise total control of the earth. By then it will be abundantly clear that his way of ruling is the only way that guarantees lasting peace, happiness, and prosperity to earth's inhabitants. Then all the world's oppressors will be removed forever.—Psalm 72:12-14; Daniel 2:44.

"Before the Founding of the World"

Jehovah purposed to do all of this long ago. Paul mentions "before the founding of the world." (Ephesians 1:4) That was not before the creation of the earth or of Adam and Eve. That world was "very good," and rebellion had not broken out. (Genesis 1:31) What "world" did the apostle Paul mean, then? The world of Adam and Eve's children—a sinful, imperfect world of mankind having the prospect of being redeemed. Before any children were born, Jehovah already knew how he would handle affairs to provide relief for Adam's redeemable descendants.—Romans 8:20.
This is not to suggest, of course, that the Sovereign of the universe has to handle matters as humans do. Recognizing that an emergency might arise, they plan various detailed strategies to cope. No, the almighty God simply sets forth his purpose and accomplishes it. Still, Paul does explain how Jehovah decided to work things out so as to bring permanent relief to mankind. What were those measures?

Who Will Bring Relief?

Paul explains that Christ's spirit-anointed disciples have a special role in undoing the harm caused by Adamic sin. Jehovah "chose us in union with [Christ]," says Paul, to rule with Jesus in his heavenly Kingdom. Explaining this further, Paul says that Jehovah "foreordained us to the adoption through Jesus Christ as sons to himself." (Ephesians 1:4, 5) Of course, Jehovah did not choose, or foreordain, them as individuals. He did, however, foreordain a class of faithful and devoted people who would share with Christ in undoing the harm that Satan the Devil, along with Adam and Eve, brought on the human family.—Luke 12:32; Hebrews 2:14-18.
What an amazing thing! In his original challenge against God's sovereignty, Satan implied that God's human creation was flawed—that given enough pressure or incentive, they would all rebel against God's rule. (Job 1:7-12; 2:2-5) In a dramatic demonstration of "his glorious undeserved kindness," Jehovah God in time showed his confidence in his earthly creation by adopting some from Adam's sinful family to be his spiritual children. Those in this small group would be taken to serve in heaven. For what purpose?—Ephesians 1:3-6; John 14:2, 3; 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17; 1 Peter 1:3, 4.
These adopted sons of God, says the apostle Paul, become "joint heirs with Christ" in his heavenly Kingdom. (Romans 8:14-17) As kings and priests, they will have a part in freeing the human family from the pain and suffering it now experiences. (Revelation 5:10) True, "all creation keeps on groaning together and being in pain together until now." Soon, though, these specially chosen sons of God will follow Jesus Christ into action, and all obedient humans "will be set free from enslavement to corruption and have the glorious freedom of the children of God" once again.—Romans 8:18-22.
Christ's ransom sacrifice provided mankind with relief from Adamic sin

"Release by Ransom"

All of this has been made possible through what must be the most dramatic and sublime expression of God's undeserved kindness toward this world of redeemable mankind—the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Paul writes: "By means of [Jesus Christ] we have the release by ransom through the blood of that one, yes, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his undeserved kindness."Ephesians 1:7.
Jesus Christ is the primary figure in the outworking of God's purpose. (Hebrews 2:10) His ransom sacrifice provides the legal basis for Jehovah to adopt some of Adam's descendants into his heavenly family and to relieve humankind of the consequences of Adamic sin, without undermining confidence in His laws and principles. (Matthew 20:28; 1 Timothy 2:6) Jehovah has done things in a way that upholds his righteousness and meets the demands of perfect justice.—Romans 3:22-26.

God's "Sacred Secret"

For thousands of years, God did not reveal exactly how he would accomplish his purpose for the earth. In the first century C.E., "he made known to [Christians] the sacred secret of his will." (Ephesians 1:9) Paul and his fellow anointed Christians understood clearly the magnificent role assigned to Jesus Christ in the outworking of God's purpose. They also began to appreciate their special role as joint heirs with Christ in his heavenly Kingdom. (Ephesians 3:5, 6, 8-11) Yes, the Kingdom government in the hands of Jesus Christ and his associate rulers is the agency God will use to bring lasting peace not just in the heavens but also on the earth. (Matthew 6:9, 10) Through it, Jehovah will restore this earth to the condition he originally purposed for it.—Isaiah 45:18; 65:21-23; Acts 3:21.
Jehovah's Witnesses preaching
It is possible to find spiritual protection and healing today
His appointed time for direct action to rid the earth of all oppression and injustice lies in the near future. But Jehovah actually began the process of restoration at Pentecost 33 C.E. How? By then starting to gather "the things in the heavens," those who will rule with Christ in the heavens. These included the Ephesian Christians. (Ephesians 2:4-7) More recently, in our time, Jehovah has been gathering "the things on the earth." (Ephesians 1:10) Through a global preaching campaign, he is making known to all nations the good news about his Kingdom government in the hands of Jesus Christ. Those who respond are even now being gathered into a place of spiritual protection and healing. (John 10:16) Soon, on a cleansed paradise earth, they will experience complete freedom from all injustice and suffering.—2 Peter 3:13; Revelation 11:18.
Young girl holding flowers
Soon, through the Messianic Kingdom, complete relief from problems will come
"Many stunning steps forward" have been made in humanitarian efforts to help oppressed humanity. (The State of the World's Children 2000) Yet, the most stunning step will be the imminent intervention by Christ Jesus and his associate rulers in the heavenly Kingdom government. They will address completely all the root causes of conflict and all the other evils that beset us. They will bring to an end all of mankind's problems.—Revelation 21:1-4.

*You can read all Bible Chapters/Verses here:

Is God Responsible for Natural Disasters?

Broken Hearts, Shattered Faith

“THERE were bodies everywhere, and we could not recognize where our house used to be,” said a Sri Lankan man after a tsunami destroyed his village in December 2004. In an article on the disaster, a religion editor said that he sometimes finds himself “praying through clenched teeth.”
Many view natural disasters as divine punishment. One columnist described a devastating hurricane as “the fist of God.” In the United States, some religious leaders described events like Hurricane Katrina as “God’s wrath” on “sin cities.” In Sri Lanka, militant Buddhists blamed Christians for the tsunami, deepening the religious divide. The trustee of a Hindu temple felt that the god Shiva was angry because people were not living the right way. A Buddhist religious leader in the United States said concerning natural disasters: “We don’t know why these things happen. We don’t even know why we’re here.”
When you see images of wrecked homes, lost lives, and broken hearts, do you sometimes wonder, ‘Why does God permit so much suffering?’ Or do you think, ‘God must have good reasons for allowing such things to happen but has not disclosed those reasons’? The following articles examine this issue. They also discuss some practical steps that people can take to reduce the risk of injury and death should a natural disaster threaten or occur.

Many religious leaders do not know why God permits natural disasters

Japan Earthquake Tragedy: March 11, 2011

Japan Tsunami: An earthquake of magnitude 8.9 struck the coast of northern Japan on Friday, March 11, 2011 shaking buildings in the capital Tokyo, causing "many casualties", the tsunami damage and at least one major Japanese public broadcaster NHK fire. 

In various locations along Japan's coast, TV footage showed severe flooding, with dozens of cars, boats and buildings being carried along by waters. A large ship swept away by the tsunami rammed directly into a breakwater in Kesennuma city in Miyagi prefecture, according to footage on public broadcaster NHK.
Such a large earthquake at such a shallow depth creates a lot of energy, said Shenza Chen of the U.S. Geological Survey.
It caused a power outage in about 4 million homes in Tokyo and surrounding areas.
A tsunami in the Pacific was moving closer to other shorelines in other countries, said CNN meteorologist Ivan Cabrera.
It triggered tsunami warnings for various countries, including Japan and Russia, the National Weather Service said.
Thirty minutes after the quake, tall buildings were still swaying in Tokyo and mobile phone networks were not working. Japan's Coast Guard has set up a task force and officials are standing by for emergency contingencies, Coast Guard official Yosuke Oi said.
"I'm afraid we'll soon find out about damages, since the quake was so strong," he said.
The tsunami roared over embankments in Sendai city, washing cars, houses and farm equipment inland before reversing directions and carrying them out to sea. Flames shot from some of the houses, probably because of burst gas pipes.